Programs & Services for Adults
One in four Americans will experience a diagnosable mental illness in any given year, according to the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH). For some, mental illness seriously limits participation in work, school, and other aspects of a full life in the community. Ongoing outpatient treatment is critical to maintaining stability and quality of life for individuals with behavioral health disorders.
Outpatient Services
The Outpatient Mental Health Clinic
Arundel Lodge offers comprehensive therapy guided by the Recovery Model, a philosophy centered on the strengths and aspirations of each individual. This approach emphasizes treating those with behavioral health and substance use disorders with respect and dignity. By providing education and connecting individuals to resources, we empower them to make informed decisions about their treatment.
We offer a broad range of services, including:
- Psychiatric Screening and Assessments: Available both in person and through tele-mental health sessions.
- Medication Management: Comprehensive evaluation, monitoring, and management.
- Person-Centered Treatment Planning: Tailored recovery plans based on individual needs.
- Therapy Services: Individual, group, and family therapy sessions.
- Peer Support Program: Support from individuals with lived experience.
- Transition and Discharge Planning: Guidance for a smooth transition from care.
- Trauma-Informed Care: Sensitive and supportive care tailored to trauma survivors.
- Language Accessibility: Spanish-speaking therapist and ASL therapist for the deaf and hard of hearing.
- Referrals and Connections: Assistance with accessing outside services or other Arundel Lodge programs.
Outpatient Self-Pay Rates
Psychiatric Assessment for medication management – $269.93
Individual Therapy – $144.14
Follow up medication review – starting at $98.58 (may vary depending on complexity.)
Children and Adolescent
Psych Assessment – $301.48
Individual Therapy – $166.73
Follow up medication review – starting at $98.58 (may vary depending on complexity)

Outpatient Programs
1. The Day Program at Arundel Lodge
Located at our main campus just outside of Annapolis, the Day Program welcomes nearly 100 participants each day, Monday through Thursday. Each day begins with a hot breakfast and lunch, and the program provides a supportive and secure environment where individuals can engage in healthy activities, learn to manage symptoms, and progress on their journey to recovery. The Day Program is open to those enrolled in Arundel Lodge’s Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program, whether they live independently or with family. Residents of Arundel Lodge’s Residential Rehabilitation Program are also welcome to participate.
Operating year-round, the Day Program offers a wide range of life-skills classes, support groups, and activities four days a week. Participants can join classes such as computer lab, art groups, yoga, journaling, gardening, budgeting, nutrition, stress management, medication management, and fitness sessions at the John W. Brick Memorial Fitness Center. Additional activities include bowling, sightseeing excursions, the annual talent show, and opportunities to work as an artist in the Open Eye Art Gallery.

2. First Step Program at Arundel Lodge
The First Step Abuse Program at Arundel Lodge is certified by the State of Maryland to offer three levels of outpatient care: Early Intervention, Outpatient Services, and Intensive Outpatient Services. Additionally, we provide medication-assisted treatment to support recovery.
3. Evidence-Based Supported Employment Program
Arundel Lodge’s Evidence-Based Supported Employment Program is dedicated to helping individuals enter the workforce by placing them directly into competitive employment (at minimum wage or higher) with the ongoing support and coaching needed for success.
Employment plays a crucial role in the journey toward wellness and recovery. Our program adheres to the key principles that ensure the success of Supported Employment Programs for both community members and their employers:
- Competitive Employment: The goal is to secure part-time or full-time employment.
- Universal Access: All eligible individuals can participate.
- Immediate Job Search: The job search begins shortly after an individual expresses interest in working.
- Integrated Services: Supported employment services are seamlessly integrated with treatment.
- Benefit Counseling: Individuals receive guidance on Social Security and other benefits.
- Continued Support: Support is provided even after job placement.
- Personalized Approach: Individual preferences and interests are prioritized.
- Who We Serve: Adults aged 18 and older with a diagnosis of a chronic behavioral health disorder are eligible for the program.
Our Services
Arundel Lodge’s Employment Specialists work closely with participants and businesses to identify the right employment opportunities. Our staff offers ongoing support to ensure clear communication between employers and employees, fostering positive and equitable working relationships.
Vocational Assessments
- Job placement
- Job coaching
- Extended support
- Connections to the Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) and Workforce & Technology Center (WTC)
- Business Partners: Our business partners are essential to the success of Arundel Lodge’s Supported Employment Program. These community-minded businesses collaborate with us and their employees to provide the necessary supports that lead to success, creating a win-win situation for everyone involved.
4. Supportive Living Program
The Supportive Living Program at Arundel Lodge is designed to meet individuals where they are most comfortable, whether in their community or home environment. We offer comprehensive, personalized services that respect and support the strengths and aspirations of those experiencing serious behavioral health disorders.
Who We Serve: This program is available to individuals enrolled in Arundel Lodge’s Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program who live independently or with their families in the community and seek support to maintain their independent lifestyle.
Services Provided:
- Symptom Management: Tailored to meet each individual’s unique needs.
- Case Management: Comprehensive support to navigate various aspects of life.
- Goal-Oriented Work: Assistance with physical health, budgeting, daily living skills, social skills, vocational support, and coping strategies.
- Regular Support: Participants receive at least six visits or services per month from their assigned
- Rehabilitation Counselor or through Day Program activities.
- Integrated Recovery Approach: Many participants choose to combine home and community visits with the Day Program services for a holistic approach to recovery.
- Day Program Participation: All Supportive Living participants are encouraged to attend the Day Program as often as they wish, enhancing their recovery journey.

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Residential Rehabilitation Program (RRP)
The Residential Rehabilitation Program (RRP) provides housing for people with behavioral health disorders, and includes specialized services for those who are deaf, chemically addicted, elderly and/or have complicated somatic issues, or need intensive supervision. The Arundel Lodge Residential Rehabilitation Program (RRP) provides supported housing accommodations for 126 persons in need. Our 35 homes are integrated into Anne Arundel County residential communities as we partner with friends and neighbors.
Who we serve in the Residential Program:
• Individuals who have a serious behavioral health disorder
• Deaf or hard-of-hearing
• Individuals with co-occurring substance abuse issues
• Seniors or individuals with complicating somatic issues
• Individuals who need intensive supervision, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
• Individuals who are preparing for independent living
How to Access Services
Please submit a Residential Rehabilitation Program Application to the Anne Arundel County Mental Health Agency (AACMHA). Blank forms are available through Arundel Lodge by calling (443) 433-5900 or AACMHA (410) 222-7858.
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program
1. Peer Support Program
Peer support aims to establish trusting relationships, decrease stigma and create a safe environment where information, resources and coping strategies can be shared. In the Peer Support Program at Arundel Lodge, individuals direct their own recovery journey, with Peer Support Specialists serving as compassionate listeners, educators, coaches, advocates, and partners. The Peer Support Specialists’ lived experience serves to inspire program participants on their journeys in recovery.
Peer Support Specialists at Arundel Lodge are state-certified and receive ongoing training on trauma-informed care, Intentional Peer Support, substance and/or process use, and resources available for wellness and recovery. Specialists also receive group and individual supervision and support from a licensed mental health professional to ensure effective service delivery.
Who we serve in the Peer Support Program
- Individuals enrolled in Arundel Lodge’s Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program (PRP)
- Persons in the PRP can refer themselves to Group and/or one-to-one Individualized Peer Support services, or Staff can refer persons to the program. Referrals are also discussed as part of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program (PRP) assessments and Individual Rehabilitation Plan (IRP).
Services provided:
The Peer Support Program offers one-to-one listening, support and coaching sessions, as well as group meetings which can include Wellness Recovery Action Plan, Connections, Peer-to-Peer, Women’s Group, Men’s Group, Women’s Dual-Diagnosis and Mental Health, WHAM, Beyond Recovery and more.
We mentor individuals to
• identify strengths, recognize success and build hope
• build self-advocacy skills, natural supports and coping skills
• become involved as advocates for others
• navigate mental health and other systems, including accompanying persons to appointment with health professionals and therapists
• build and maintain community living skills and access community resources
• find and retain employment, education and volunteer work
• find other meaningful activities that promote a sense of purpose, structure, and inclusion in the community
• meet goals set in the Individual Rehabilitation Plan(IRP)
We support individuals by
• serving as advocates during IRP/ITP meetings
• providing guidance related to IRP goals during times of high stress
• working with persons on collaborative documentation
Through participation in the Peer Support Program, individuals increase awareness of their own self-worth, strengths, and skills.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program
Telehealth for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Diversity and inclusion are core values at Arundel Lodge. We employ Deaf and hearing staff who are knowledgeable about the needs of Deaf and hard-of-hearing community members and who are fluent in American Sign Language (ASL).
We support participation in our behavioral health programs and services, including the Outpatient Mental Health Clinic, Supported Employment Program, Day Program, and Residential Program.
For people who prefer telehealth visits and are deaf or hard of hearing, Arundel Lodge provides a therapist who is fluent in sign language and culturally competent in the challenges faced by members of the Deaf community.

Behavioral Health Home
Of all the changes brought about by the Affordable Care Act, one of the most important to Arundel Lodge has been the creation of “Behavioral Health Homes.”
In October 2013, Arundel Lodge became one of Maryland’s first Behavioral Health Homes, a program that integrates comprehensive services to meet both medical and mental health needs. To enhance our care, Arundel Lodge has partnered with Luminis Anne Arundel Medical Center, which provides primary medical care on-site and collaborates closely with our Health Home team.
At Arundel Lodge, we understand the critical factors that impact the health of individuals living with behavioral health disorders. People with serious behavioral health conditions are often less likely to seek primary care for ongoing medical issues, which can result in the neglect of chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. These untreated conditions can lead to poor overall health and a significantly shorter life expectancy.
Additionally, the lifestyle choices of individuals with behavioral health disorders may include unhealthy habits such as smoking, poor dietary choices, and a lack of physical activity. These factors, combined with the side effects of medications often prescribed for behavioral health conditions, can further compromise their well-being.
Our role is to improve the management of chronic medical conditions through a preventative care and total wellness approach. By focusing on early detection and intervention, we aim to reduce emergency room visits and hospital admissions, ensuring that individuals receive the necessary care before their conditions become critical.
As a Behavioral Health Home, Arundel Lodge is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the entire provider process. This includes identifying gaps in care, assessing areas for improvement, and collaborating with individuals to develop personalized healthcare plans.
A key advantage of the Behavioral Health Home model is the assignment of a single care manager to each individual. This continuity allows for the development of a trusting relationship, making it easier for individuals to express their symptoms and concerns, ultimately leading to better health outcomes.
Who we serve in the Behavioral Health Home
- Any person receiving services in the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program (PRP) is eligible for Behavioral Health Home services.
- Persons who have a substance use disorder also qualify.
Behavioral Health Home services
- Primary care services
- Group therapy services
- Comprehensive care management
- Goal setting for Individual Rehabilitation Plans (IRP)
- Periodic reviews
- Care coordination
- Health promotion
- Comprehensive transitional care
- Individual and family support services
- Referrals to community and social support services
- Discharge plans when required.